Superdungeonexplore Wiki

In the etherium were motes of esper, raw magic which concentrated and crystallized. As Crystalia cocooned these crystals the Goddess’s creation woke those crystals which were most potent. In the crucible of creation they shifted, grew, and became Those Who Sleep—The Dragons. The Living Breath. Avatars. Sorrow Bringers. The Great Arcanes. Dreamers.

Dragon is a creature type used for huge four-limbed, two-winged reptilian predators. These powerful serpentine creatures exist across the multiverse. They have formidable physical strength, and many of them also score high on intelligence and magical capabilities. Head shape, wing shape, body shape, scale colors and breath weapons vary from place to place and from dragon to dragon. They can be found in all colors, although more dragons are aligned with red than with any other color.

Baby or miniature dragons are referred to as "hatchlings" and "whelps".

Dragons are not of the Dark Realm, nor are they thought to be creations of the Goddess. Most believe that dragons were motes of primal magic that floated in the ether at the time of the Goddess’s creation of Crystalia. These motes were trapped within the goddesses creation and given new form as sleeping dragons both within Crystalia and within the Dark Realm.

When Monach blew the Dragon Horn, he woke the dragons, resulting in the Dragon’s Call. These new primal creatures are varied in their personalities. While many consider them to work for the Dark Consul, this is largely because most monsters of the Dark Consul are easily cowed by power, and most dragon’s simply desire to be left alone. All dragons are highly intelligent and typically have their own agenda (if they choose to have one at all.)

Dragon of Crystalia[]

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