Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Candy has sought the tutelage of the renowned healer and all-around sweetheart Princess Ruby. Under Ruby’s expert guidance, Candy is learning the art of taking, breaking, and healing hearts.


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Explore Mode

Candy has never been one to shy away from a sweet beverage, and brings to this role her classic Potion Master ability, able to chug 2 potions in a single turn. And a good thing too, as her potions are powerful indeed!

First off is her Love Potion, no doubt learned from some succubus recipe book and refined to perfection, Candy can move whole groups with a wave 4 Compel that will have her party members wrapped around her little finger and put a little spring in their step.

Add to that her Fire Heart Potion and she can really heat things up, healing a friendly model and giving the advantage of Fire to their actions. To wrap things up on the potion front, her Unrequited Love Potion grants additional armor and, if an attack misses, the enemy suffers Bane!

Finally, mix in a powerful blast attack with Knockdown, and this sweet girl will be knockin’ em out left, right and centre!

Arcade Mode

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