The dungeon boss is a terrible and powerful foe. It can be the final decisive blow to end the game, or the surprising pendulum swing that turns the entire tide of the adventure in the opposite direction. When the last spawning point on the dungeon map is destroyed, the Consul may place the dungeon boss anywhere on the same dungeon tile.
SDE 2.0[]
When Spawn Dungeon Boss is reached on the Mighty Monster Chart, spawn the dungeon boss. The Consul must remove the dungeon boss from the Mighty Monster Chart and place it adjacent to any dungeon exit in the second or third tile. If there is no space to place the dungeon boss in this manner, the Consul may place it anywhere in the dungeon. This triggers a Boss Fight.
During the Consul’s power-up phase, and after advancing the Mighty Monster Chart and applying all effects, if there are no spawning points in play, the dungeon boss automatically spawns. Follow all of the rules above when spawning the dungeon boss in this way.
If a space on the Mighty Monster Chart says Boss Sighting, it will also note a dungeon tile (or tiles). If any Heroes are in the noted tiles when the Boss Sighting space is reached, then the dungeon boss’s timeout effect is triggered and is applied to all models in those tiles. (A dungeon boss’s timeout effect is listed on its boss fight card.) If the timeout requires range to be measured from the dungeon boss, instead, the Consul chooses a Hero that is on one of the affected tiles and measures range from the chosen Hero instead.
The dungeon boss is a Super monster and, when in play, may be activated during each Consul Turn in addition to the Consul’s normal four skull points of monsters as described in Activate Monsters.
Once the boss fight starts, all remaining spawning points channel their energy to the dungeon boss. When the dungeon boss spawns, it may choose and equip up to one relic equipment card for each spawning point remaining in the dungeon. All spawning points are then removed. (Heroes do not get loot for spawning points removed in this way.)
Tuck the relic card underneath the dungeon boss’s card until only the name and abilities of the relic are showing. (This takes up an equipment slot and works just like equipping loot or treasure to Heroes.) The dungeon boss gains all the abilities and bonuses listed on the relic card exactly as though they were printed on the model’s card. Some relics may have a portrait of a specific dungeon boss on its card; if it does, it may only be chosen by the shown dungeon boss.
A dungeon boss spawning is a momentous event, and triggers events that can change the nature of the dungeon. Every dungeon boss includes a Boss Fight card, listing unique rules that affect the game once the dungeon boss has spawned.
If the spawning point destroyed was the last one on the dungeon map, a mini-boss is not spawned. Instead the dungeon boss is spawned, and the Boss Fight has begun! Immediately after the boss spawns resolve any effects listed under Boss Spawn.
A dungeon boss spawning is a momentous event, and triggers events that can change the nature of the dungeon. Every dungeon boss includes a boss fight card, listing unique rules that affect the game once the dungeon boss has spawned.
As the Boss Fight progresses the dungeon boss will take a timeout to regroup: it will remove status effects, summon more monsters, and then renew its attack from a new angle. Immediately after the boss has a number of wound tokens equal to or greater than half of the number of hearts on their card, a timeout is triggered. Before any further actions are carried out, the Consul performs all the following steps in the Timeout
Difficulty Rating[]
If the party is unable to beat this boss with the usual number of princess coins, they may add X, where X is the difficulty rating, additional Princess coins the next time they face this boss.
If the dungeon boss and his monsters destroy all of the Heroes the Consul wins and darkness tightens its grip upon Crystalia.
If the Heroes destroy the dungeon boss, the Heroes win and light has banished the darkness from this corner of Crystalia.