Superdungeonexplore Wiki

SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 6 days ago

Homebrew is still going

Hey folks, seeing Ninja Division vanish doesn't mean we will. We have a large community, and they are still craving new figures and new SD: experiences from new tiles to new monsters and characters. So look forward to more Fan art love of SD.

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 9 August 2024

The Haunting Season is upon us...

In Japan, the Haunting Season is in full swing with OBon festivals and scary stories being told to give you the chills you need to fight off the Summer heat. In the US we are getting ready for the harvest season events "pumpkin spice" everything is just around the corner craft shops have skeletons galore. Around the world, countries have festivals to celebrate the season from those that deal with loss to those that deal with getting ready for winter and the new year.

this is one of my favorite times the season changes even if just a little here in Florida we are currently in our rainy season followed by our Hurricane season then we have our Autumn 2 days of winter and back to sunny days from February to August 98 degrees everywhere!

but as w…

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 24 March 2023

Hey All!!

not much going on in Super Dungeon news....

Except that WoSDEC is coming out with official information!!

If you don't know WoSDEC is a Fan based "Homebrew" mode of Super Dungeon that started it's life on the SP: forums. It's not often that a Fan based production is recognized by the official material but to get the green light to start "Official" is just what happened, and it's not just a new game mode but new material and lore as well as the rules.

more soon... and until it's release we will keep it with the Homebrew

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 30 January 2023

Limited Edition leaving soon!

Don't forget to order the Winter Limited Editions Only one day left!

  • Sleighride Candy Expansion
  • Truffle Hogs Expansion
  • Holly Jolly Candy Expansion
  • Jingle-Boar Cola Expansion

Will they be back next year?

Do you want to take the change?

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 3 January 2023

Siege of the Citadel Chibis are on the Market!!

Okay my friends battlestations for all you completists the time is at hand! Modiphius has Edward Murdoch and the other heroes of Siege of the Citadel in Stock! I

t's a Christmas miracle and I just got some! Ed is only in the UK store but the heroes are in the US store. I got everything from the UK because the shipping ended up being the same. I did ask them to please put out the monsters as well. But we will see!

Here is the link for the Uk Stores Heroes.

You can also get the Edward Murdoch figure in the Siege Of The Citadel: Doomtrooper Bonus Pack.

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 14 December 2022

Holidays are here!!

So the official Holiday is 12_Days_of_Super_Dungeon_Explore!

ND is bring goodies on the way! Looks like we may get a Candy & Cola Boss! Fingers crossed! Candy & Cola are manning a run away slay pulled by Hogs and it seems some of the presents are to blame for they are hungry & bitey!

but they will be limited editions so get them while you can. for like Kringle and other holiday Candies they may disappear forever!

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 24 November 2022

Black Friday is upon us!

"Monday 21st November 2022 until Monday 28th November 2022, we have big discounts on a large selection of our classic plastic range.

The Shallow Grave, Old-Growth Hollow, Bramble Knights, Forgotten King Heroes and Von Drakk Bosses sets are heading for retirement at the end of this sale."

along with.

Black Friday - Masterclass Free Shipping!

If ordered before Monday 28th November 2022!

for all the details check out:

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 16 November 2022

Wow! so much to do!

hey folks!

I have been working like a dog on my new job and have officially lived through the Film Festival season. Sadly it means I wasn't able to perform at my home renfaire but the amount of money I well have on a 70+ hour check will make up for that. Christmas will be nice this year!

thank you to Vaegrim for going some updates.

Speaking of which...

If you haven't gotten any of the upgrade decks yet! don't wait! we have until Midnight, December 4th 2022.

and I need to add the new releases to the wiki.

if this is you first time here welcome!

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 19 October 2022

New Characters!

So we have started to see models for Characters from Black Handed Henry's Potion Party. and we are getting a new Halloween themed Monster no telling if he will have a hero version

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 15 September 2022

Hey All!! Halloween is a coming!!

So I haven't updated in a little while because I had to get a job! can't just sit on the internet and make money! I'm not that pretty ;P

but ND is still clearing out the racks and they have even found some extras in the Attic!

work on your painting and check out the new rules for WoSDEC it's RPG style of SD using Arcade!

Llink Here

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 8 June 2022

Warehouse Cleaning Sale!!

Hey folks,

So Ninja Division did some spring cleaning and found some extras laying about.

news here & here & here & here

the long and short is they found some extra Limited Editions and they are going to no longer carry others. Here is that list of effected expansions

While rooting around in the treasure rooms, we have come across the remains of hard to find Masterclass Limited Edition miniatures. This is your last chance to get them before they are gone for good!

  • Leopold Magnus
  • Bang-Bang
  • The Relic Knights Pet Pack
  • Super Dungeon x Relic Knights Bundle
  • Treffen, the Glimmerdusk Ranger
  • Otto, the Royal Paladin
  • Gork, the Hearthsworn Fighter
  • Sai, the Riftling Rogue
  • Rainbow Dragoon

A number of Masterclass Miniatures are also heading into retirement and are now…

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 8 May 2022

The Romancers Retire Tonight at Midnight!!5/8/2022

It's been nearly 3 months since Candy, Lady Of The Heart and Casanova Cola charmed their way into Super Dungeon and, as with all Limited Edition releases, it's time for them to retire to the castle.

Candy is heading back to focus on her studies with Princess Ruby, there's only so much a heart can take. As for the sweet Casanova Cola has decided it's not fair for him to hog all the attention and is stepping aside for another swashbuckler to have a chance, what a gentleman!

Candy, Lady Of The Heart and Casanova Cola will be leaving the store at the end of Sunday the 8th of May 2022, after which we will make one last production run to fulfil any pending pre-orders.

You have until the end of the weekend to get your orders in!

don't forget the other…

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 4 May 2022

In a Land Far Far Away…

It is a period of turmoil and war. Plucky rebels Star Princess Candy and Chuy strike out from a hidden camp and have claimed their first victory against the Dark Consul.

During the battle, the Crystalian underground managed to steal secret plans to erect the Consul’s greatest weapon yet, a Nether Monolith! A dark-stoned, impenetrable bastion of power for the Consul’s legions, capable of destroying the Kingdom!

Now, pursued by the Consul’s evil agents, Candy races back to Crystalia to warn of the Consul’s plans. Coming under attack, she hands the plans to her companions Cheeto, Colo, and a Hermit Swordmage, hoping that the plans can save the people of Crystalia and restore freedom to the Goddess’s lands.

Stay tuned this week as, in celebration of…

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 21 April 2022

Pirate!!!!!! the Pirates are coming!!!!

Hey Folks the Denizens of the Drowned Isle are coming for your gold!!

To support the pirates Ninja Divisions says, "If you make an order over $150 that includes Black-Handed Henry, you will receive Captain R for FREE! (While Supplies Last)"

Go check out everything Here!

Just started adding them to the Wiki:

  • Black-Handed Henry Expansion
  • Loose Cannon Expansion
  • Barnacled Shipwreck Expansion

Black-Handed Henry is a Dungeon Boss and a Hero he also comes with Cannon creeps and a Parrot pet?! Need more cannons? they got you covered need Undead Pirates? They have that too.

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 8 April 2022

Sohei School of Exorcism

so with a new Hero Eiko Ando we have a new kind of Accessory magic Prayer Slips. Each prayer slip can be slotted in addition to gear to her appropriate slots, giving Eiko Ando a powerful start of game punch. With so many abilities to choose, your start of game strategy can be very powerful, enhancing attacks or boosting your allies abilities.

Also I am going through a massive update to the Wiki some of the Pages have been changed to Categories other pages that are duplicates of Categories are being removed. What is taking so long is replacing the links of the pages some are easy some are a little longer then most.

and I'm adding the new subcats to help classify the monsters. hope everyone enjoys!!

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 11 March 2022

Vampire Hunters or Vampires?

So we have a little slow down in the news from Ninja Division as they work hard cranking out Masterclass orders! but it looks like they are going back to the Glauerdoom Moor! what is next? not sure maybe some new Zombies? maybe some Bat Creeps? we will find out!


Don't forget the Limited Edition of Candy and Cola

  • Candy, Lady of the Heart (Limited Edition) (2022)
  • Casanova Cola (Limited Edition) (2022)

These Limited Edition Masterclass miniature will be available to order only until Midnight, May 8th.

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 15 February 2022

Sweet Heart Candy is back!!

First appearing in 2018 for one month only! She is back! So after 4 years of she is back! a limited edition so don't wait and hope she comes back in another 4 years!

Here she is until February 20th 2022

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 3 February 2022

new pets and bring back the SD:E 1.0

Hey folks,

So Frostbyte pets are coming!

check them out!

I have been planning to add the SD:E 1.0 back into the Wiki and so far so good! Before I became the Admin the idea was that the wiki would be a "current rules" database, but with the issues the company has had having the wiki stuck between FK and 2.0 seems like a working system. So bringing back the 1.0 just made sense. I had started with the rules but have now started working on the Heroes and Monsters using the Forgotten King Upgrade Deck as a check list.

What's fun is finding history in the wiki as I make the 1.0 version

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 15 January 2022

the Orcs are Coming!!

Well it's 2022 and instead of solvent green we have Orc green! the Dark Concul has been growing his forces! From the Frostbyte Reach with the first massive (75mm Base) dragon model and this month we have the Orcs of the Undercove it's not just rats underneath Clockwork Clove but a moving force of gangs scour the Undercove looking for the choicest bits of scrap clockwork cast aside.

Adventurers beware!

and of course January 16th is the last day to order the Halloween Candy & Cola

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 24 December 2021

it's over 3000!

Wow just Wow!!! 3000 pages! That's just amazing! not sure how many are just me but working for over 2 yearsand getting a lot of badges along they way tomorrow is Christmas Eve! So may you all get the games and painting supplies you wanted all year!

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 20 December 2021

Christmas Limited Editions!

Hey guys for those reading it's my birthday!

But I haven't opened a new blog post just for that! I wanted to remind everyone that 4 limited edition models and the limited edition Boss upgrade card sets I talked about last blog are going to end at the beginning of the year! This time of the year everything just runs away from yea! daylight gift stock time! So as a reminder check them out!

This Limited Edition Masterclass miniature will be available to order only until midnight January 16th.

  • Candy, Mistress of Darkness
  • Trick-Or-Treat Cola

This Upgrade Deck Bundle will be available to order only until midnight January 9th.

  • Dungeon Boss Upgrade Deck Bundle
  • not sure if that also extents to the single Boss upgrade decks but, b…
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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 10 December 2021

New upgrades Dungeon Bosses and Creeps

So the folks over at Ninja Division are gearing up adding new upgrades to Dungeon Bosses making some of the older Bosses more like the new Dungeon Bosses by adding Relics and Challege Cards.

They are also making creep sets adding a pet card. with 6 models. I was hoping that like the Rotten Pumpkins you would get 2 models. but that doesn't seem to be in the cards. The Tile/Creep sets seem to no longer be a thing but maybe we will get new Tiles in the future. I would be happy with Digital copies seeing as the thickness seems to be a shipping problem.

but it's an exciting Christmas! Get what you can while they have free shipping!

To celebrate the holidays, we are offering FREE SHIPPING on all qualifying orders made from Wednesday December 8th 202…

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 8 December 2021

Super Dungeon Tactics

One of the off shoots of Super Dungeon is Tactics a video game created for the love of a boardgame that got it's inspiration from video games.

I noticed it doesn't have much in the way of information online so I am fixing that by added in more Tactics information. Looks like there was a seperate Wiki made long ago but it has been dormant for sometime. so Instead of updating it I am just adding the information here into our Wiki has I have been doing with Ninja All-Stars and Rail Raiders Inifinte.

I'm sure this will help anyone that is playing the game or any Homebrewer that wants to add some of the Tactics Mechincs or items to Super Dungeon!

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SirDrakey74 SirDrakey74 7 December 2021

Blogs are back!

Hey folks,

This is my first blog post. The blogs has been closed for a long time due to vandalism. So let's hope that's a thing of the past! The site hasn't had any vandalism since March. I am the Administrator since March and have been updating and taking care of the site for over 2 years before. I have a deep love for this game and Super Deformed Chibi figures in general. I don't work for Ninja Division or Sodapop Miniatures. This is a site of pure fan love. For the games, the figures, stories & lore. If you are reading this I hope you have the same love & enjoy the hard work I have done.

Feel free to contact me here or on the discord channels

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Superdungeonexplorer Superdungeonexplorer 3 March 2018


Hello! I have recently become an admin for the SDE wiki. 

I am also the owner of the Super Dungeon Tactics wiki.

I am highly invested in the success of both of these wikis, and want only good things to come. I like to undergo massive projects, and I recently went through and formatted all of the Heroes to have the same page layout for cohesive understanding. I also went through all of the abilities and potions and made sure they were linked to the appropriate heroes.

My next big project will be to format all of the things in The Cast drop-down menu. 

As soon as I got my admin powers, I deleted all of the rerouted pages, so that only the proper page remained, and I put all 180 uncategorized pages into categories. I am here to make sure things r…

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Nephastus Nephastus 25 March 2014



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