Subsisting entirely on the molten rock of the Fire Flows, the Blaze Beetle is at home swimming through its magnificent lava rivers. Blaze Beetles possess a remarkable sense of cruel cunning, burrowing beneath groups of Heroes to erupt from solid stone, bathing them in a shower of fire and rock.
- Type: Elemental Bug Elite
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine
- Abilities: Immune: Fire, Burrow
- Unique Actions: Furnace Vent, Burning Chitin
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 2B 1R (Melee: 3)
- Armor: 1W 1R (Defense)
- Willpower: 2B
- Dexterity: 2B
- Hearts: 3
- Skull Points: 2
- Monster Platform: 16-Bit
- Spawning Point: Lava Whirl
Arcade Stats

- Type: Elemental Bug Elite
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine, Sapphire
- Abilities: Immune: Fire, Backlash, Burrow
- Unique Actions: Furnace Vent
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 2
- Strength: 2W
- Armour: 3W
- Range: 3
- Hearts: 4
Has Burrow (can move through Walls) to set up Furnace Vent (Cross 3 STR Fire AP2), and can enhance its defense with Burning Chitin (Backlash).
Alternate Profiles
Available Through
- Caverns of Roxor 2nd Edition
- Super Dungeon Explore: Upgrade Deck