The Black Hand was Elrik's trusted circle of sages, advisors, seers, and skalds. It was the Black Hand who first tapped into the shadow powers of the Dark Realm, and it was they who led Elrik upon the first step to damnation.
Explore Stats[]

- Type: Undead, Ghoul Elite
- Crystal Affinity: Amethyst
- Abilities: Despair
- Unique Actions: Wraith Walk, Berserker Saga
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 2
- Strength: 2B
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Willpower: 3B (Magic: 8)
- Dexterity: 2B
- Hearts: 2
- Skull Points: 2
- Monster Platform: 8-Bit
Explore Mode[]
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Arcade Mode[]
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