Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Billmen made up the majority of the Forgotten King’s forces. Unwittingly following an evil lord, many Billmen seek to repent, or are simply tragic figures attempting to live out their days. But some are bitter that they should share in their master’s fate when they knew nothing of his plans. They blame the Heroes of Crystalia, the elves, anyone but themselves.

These lonely and embittered outcasts have taken to the mountains, stealing what they can, and justifying their theft as compensation for the twisted existence they must suffer.



SD 2.0

  • Type: Chimera Minion
  • Crystal Affinity: Citrine
  • Abilities: Steal
  • Unique Actions: None
  • Movement Points: 6
  • Action Points: 1
  • Strength: 3B (Melee: 2)
  • Armor: 1W (Defense)
  • Willpower: 2B
  • Dexterity: 1B 1R
  • Hearts: 1
  • Skull Points: 1
  • Monster Platform: 8-Bit
  • Spawning Point: Bandit Knight


The Billman inflicts Slow, but other than that is entirely unremarkable - and doesn't even have a Citrine Affinity to utilize other spawner's Affinities, unlike most humble 8-Bit Minions.

 Alternate Profile

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