Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Devotion to duty is a hallmark of many on Kagejima. For Benkei, devotion to duty is a defining characteristic. While his martial skill serves him well, it is his utter devotion to the Moon Throne that imparts his famous strength and fearlessness. They say that the gods could not move Benkei when he takes a stand in the Princess’s name.



Ninja Division's Strategy

Benkei is an intimidating close combat fighter. With an impressive melee range of four and the Tough ability which allows him to heal one wound when he activates, he is not shy about getting into the action.

His first unique action is Heavenly Strike, which costs a whopping three action points, but has both Massive Damage and Improved Critical. Massive Damage means it always deals one additional wound, and Improved Critical means it deals an additional wound on a critical hit. This means a critical hit with Heavenly Strike deals a monstrous four wounds! (One wound for hitting with the attack, another wound for massive damage, a third wound for rolling a critical, and a fourth wound for improved critical.)

The next unique action available to Benkei is Blind Onslaught. This action allows him to take three melee attacks for two actions at the cost of a wound. It pairs perfectly with his Tough ability which will heal him up the next time he activates and allows him to take on waves of foes at once.

Benkei’s potion is Potion of Might, which grants whoever uses it Brutal Strike. Brutal Strike adds three stars to successful attacks, making it more likely to get a critical. This combos perfectly with Benkei’s Heavenly Strike, making it much more likely to deal those impressive four wounds.

Benkei is an impressive fighter, wading into combat, taking on foes twice his size, and shrugging off wounds as he does, and that is exactly how he plays on the table!



Additional Strategy:

In short, he can hit monsters. HARD. Bring him along in Arcade.


Benkei will need equipment and buffs that increase his STR and ARM, specifically STR. Fire can help against most mini-bosses, while Bane can help make sure is attacks connect.


While Benkei can deal out the heavy damage, he still has a chance of missing if he doesn't have good enough STR.

Heavenly Strike can force a timeout on most Explore bosses in one hero phase but after that he'll need to use regular strikes and the Blind Onslaught + Potion of Might combo. While this may hinder his effectiveness, remember that he is from Ninja All-Stars, which also have Onibaba and Bomechan; the timeout rules affect both bosses, but not what they can summon.

No matter the game you can play, never use him if the boss is going to be Testudo Tower. The boss' combination of Sturdy and high ARM can guarantee that Benkei will be no more than a pile of Princess Coins once the fight starts, even if he can successfully make all three attacks with Blind Onslaught.

Finally, remember that Potion of Might only increases the chance of dealing a critical hit, not the chance of hitting the enemy itself.


Benkei can fit the role of a heavy hitter in the party. He can take care of the heavy monsters in Explore while doing the most damage in Arcade. Remember that he'll need friends to assist him until he can hit better with H.S., as well as those with AoE attacks to keep the weaker minions away from him, while he can focus on the stronger ones.

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