Bakusho Mondai’s gregarious nature and boisterous personality also made him a natural master of matsuri, and he gleefully combined these callings. He has become the master of festivals and celebrations, and he makes a point of attending the Moonlight Tournament every year. For the right price, he is eager to join the competitions and lend his dance-kata and fireworks, exquisitely choreographed to the thumping rhythm of taiko drums.


Rail Raiders Infinity
- Type: Human Hero
- Crystal Affinity: Sapphire
- Abilities: Sidestep, Tough
- Unique Actions: Smooth Moves, Uncomfortable Closeness
- Potions: Fireworks
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 2R (Melee : 1)
- Armor: 3B (Defense)
- Willpower: 3B
- Dexterity: 1B 1R
- Hearts: 5
- Potion Quantity: 1
Explore Mode
[Insert Tips for Play]
Arcade Mode
[Insert Tips for Play]