These are Alternate Monsters. You can find these Alternate Profiles linked together as links that say Atlernate Profile located at the bottom of each page. You can also see Alternate Profiles for Heroes, also at the bottom of their pages.
- Cursed Forgotten King
- Fire Forgotten King
- Shadow Warrens
- Shadow Priest
- Shadowscale
- Dark Lobber
- Dimwit
- Skewer
- Cult of the Dark (Arcade Gang)
- Shadow Brigade (Arcade Gang)
- Squirrely Slingers (Arcade Gang)
- Frozen Warrens
- Frozen Priest
- Snowball Chuckers
- Frostscale
- Ice Pick
- Blockheads
- Cult of Frozen Spires (Arcade Gang)
- Frostfang Horde (Arcade Gang)
- Snowball Fight (Arcade Gang)
- Bandit Knight
- Grobbit Barbarian
- Billmen Bandit
- Maraudeur Squawk
- Barbaric Bandits (Arcade Gang)
- The Marauding Doom (Arcade Gang)
- Cursed Knight
- Grobbit Deathlord
- Moorland Militia
- Skull Squawk
- Deathlord Militia (Arcade Gang)
- Skull Riders (Arcade Gang)
Nether Elves
- Knight of Shifting Sand (Mini-Boss)
- Tidal Knight (Mini-Boss)
- Sand Spire
- Duskweaver Acolyte
- Silk Knife
- Dune Hunter
- Desert Blade
- Desert Raiders (Arcade Gang)
- Dune Hunter (Arcade Gang)
- Forgotten Stone
- Lord of the Crabs
- Midnight Mutineer
- Corsair Arbalist
- Blackblade Corsair
- Boarding Party (Arcade Gang)
- Wrath Sprout
- Volcanic Sprout
- Fire Flow Hollow
- Magma Seed
- Volcanic Sprout
- Flame Wisp
- Spicy Turnip
- Broiled Mook
- Sprouting Magma (Arcade Gang)
- Volcanic Growth (Arcade Gang)
- Flame Wisps (Arcade Gang)
- Spicy Turnips (Arcade Gang)
- Cursed Hollow
- Bad Seed
- Wrath Sprout
- Gloom Wisp
- Spoiled Turnip
- Rotten Cabbage
- Rotten Seeds (Arcade Gang)
- Vengeful Compost (Arcade Gang)
- Gloom Wisps (Arcade Gang)
- Spoiled Turnips (Arcade Gang)
- Nether Clutch
- Nether Wyrmling
- Nether Whelp
- Nether Hatchlings
- Demon Drakes (Arcade Gang)
- Cold Eggs
- Frostbyte Wyrmling
- Frostbyte Whelp
- Frostbyte Hatchlings
- Hoarfang's Brood (Arcade Gang)