Superdungeonexplore Wiki
A model spends action points to perform actions. There are two types of action:
Red offensive actions inflict a single wound if successful.
Blue support actions do not inflict wounds. Instead, they cause special effects to occur, such as inflicting status effects on enemies, generating augments or helping friendly models.

Each action has a cost listed on its icon indicating how many action points the model must spend to perform the action.

During its activation, a model may spend any number of action points, up to the total listed on its card, to perform any actions available to it. A model may perform the same action multiple times.

All models have access to a variety of basic actions. In addition, many models have unique actions only they can perform. Unique actions are listed on a modelĀ“s card or are gained from equipment, potions, and other game effects.

Both basic actions and unique actions follow the same rules to perform:

  1. Determine Line of Sight
  2. Check Range
  3. Make Offense Roll
  4. Target makes Defense Roll
  5. Compare Results
  6. Resolve Effects